SOLLUX Resin and SA30-30
SOLLUX steps in as an all-inclusive, adaptable repair system. It features a resin provided in a user-friendly one-shot semkit. Notably, the SA30-30 component of this system cures rapidly, setting within just 15 minutes – an ideal solution for on-wing repairs, such as addressing simple cracks and dents in the composite.

SA10-10 for Complex Repairs
For more complex repair needs, SA10-10, a pre-preg material within the SOLLUX product range, offers unlimited working time and cures via a light source, not heat. This material can be applied in layers, up to three at a time, providing a swift and effective alter-native to traditional repair systems. SA10-10 is conveniently supplied in three-yard lengths to accommodate various repair sizes.

The SA500 Light Emitter
The SA500 Light Emitter, specifically designed for use with SOLLUX® products, cures SA10-10 in an astonishing three minutes. The device features a quartz crystal emitter bulb in its radiant head, enhanced with gold inducer caps to amplify the radiant output. It also boasts a dual cooling system, ensuring efficiency and longevity. Calibration is provided with each unit, with a recommendation for recalibration after 800 hours of use or one year from issuance.